Japan Tourist Visa Application in the Philippines (Housewife)

Japan Tourist Visa Application in the Philippines for Housewife is quite as simple process as long as you have comply and provide all the necessary requirements. Here I have personally applied for Japan Tourist Visa in the Philippines, and I have shared below the steps on how to obtain the Japan Tourist Visa.


  1. Japan Tourist Visa Application Form
  2. Valid Philippine Passport
  3. Japan Visa Photo
  4. PSA Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate
  5. Bank Certificate
  6. Itinerary (Schedule of Stay)
  7. If Spouse will sponsor trip (Letter of Guarantee, Income Tax Statement and Bank Certificate)


Japan Visa application form is available on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan website, alternatively you can also download here. Once you have downloaded the form, fill-up all the required information, and enter N/A to information where it is not applicable.

For the other name section I have entered my maiden name on it, also government issued ID’s like SSS, Driver License, are required to enter on the form.

Japan Visa Application Form Sample

Since my husband will be sponsoring part of this travel, I have entered all his necessary information under the Guarantor or reference in Japan section. Likewise if you have family or friend who are staying in Japan who are inviting you to visit, enter all required information under Invite in Japan section. After you have completed all necessary information, print and sign the application form. By the way here is the sample form that I have created for Japan tourist visa application.

#2 philippine passport

Japan Tourist Visa Applicaiton for Philippine Passport in Singapore

The second requirement for Japan visa application is the Philippine passport, I have written below the basic criteria for the Philippine passport;

  • Philippine Passport must have at least six (6) months validity prior to the intended departure date.
  • Philippine passport should have two (2) blank pages for the purpose of the visa to be stick once approved.

#3 Japan visa photo

Visit to any nearest photo studio and inform that you want to obtain a Japan visa photo. Since most of the photo/studio shops have the idea on the photo size for Japan visa. Just in case below are the detailed requirement for the Japan photo visa.

  • A recent color photo taken within six (6) months
  • Facial photo size must be 4.5cm x 3.5cm.
  • The photo must be in full-faced, front facing with white/light background (It should be unedited and no shadow on the background)

For more information on Japan visa photo check on this website. Once obtain the copy of the photo, write your complete name and affix your signature at the back of the photo and paste it on the application form.

#4 NSO birth and Marriage certificate

Visit to the nearest PSA (Philippine Statistics Authority) to obtain the latest copy of your Birth and Marriage Certificate. Below are the necessary requirement for the PSA certificate.

  • Both your Birth and Marriage certificate must be taken within one (1) year upon the Japan visa application.
  • Also required is your husband latest copy of PSA Birth certificate, taken within one (1) year prior to application.

Obtaining a copy of PSA Birth and Marriage certificate be usually cost at Php 340 per copy respectively. Please check here on how to obtain PSA copy for Birth Certificate.

#5 Bank Certificate

Bank Certificate can be obtain from your local Philippine bank’s (BPI, BDO, Security Bank etc) For me, I went to visit BDO branch to request a copy of Bank Certificate, then inform the customer service on the purpose which will be for my Japan tourist visa application. Do not forget to bring copy of your passbook /ATM and a valid ID to verify your identify. For BDO accounts, Bank Certificate can only be obtain to Branch where you have open your BDO account. Also take note that there will be Php 150 charge upon this request.

In terms on how much is the required amount or balance, we recommend to follow sample budget where by Php 10,000 per day expense in Japan travel. So if you intent to stay in Japan for 5 days, the minimum bank account balance should be at least Php 50,000.

#6 ITINERARY (Schedule of stay)

Schedule of stay or Itinerary is also one of the requirement of Japan Tourist Visa application. Schedule of stay can be obtain through Ministry of Japan website Below is the sample screenshot for our sample schedule of stay.

Schedule of Stay Sample

Along with the Itinerary, include to submit the copy of the 2-way flight booking ticket to Japan. It would also better to include your  hotel/room or Airbnb reservation during your stay in Japan.

#7 If the Spouse will sponsor the trip OR COVER PART OF EXPENSES

Below are the 3 additional requirements of Japan Visa application if your spouse will sponsor or cover the expenses on the trip.

  1. Letter of Guarantee
    A letter of guarantee is required upon application of Japan Tourist Visa whereby it indicate and states that your spouse will cover and sponsor your expenses in Japan. Here is the Letter of Guarantee sample template available here, likewise you can download and open my Letter of Guarantee. Under the seal section, make sure to affix the signature of your spouse.
  2. Husband Income Tax Certificate
    Spouse Income tax certificate is also required on the application, the latest Income Tax statement issued by the government BIR.
  3. Husband Bank Statement
    With the same as above bank statement requirement, the spouse personal bank statement is also needed. This means that a visit to local bank and request a copy of bank statement or certificate to show that there is enough financial funds that will support  your expense during the travel.

Visa Submission to nearest accredited japan travel agency

Once you have completed all the above requirements, visit to the nearest Japan travel agency in your town and submit all documents. Japan Tourist Visa Application in the Philippines for Housewife have various accredited travel agencies in the Philippines, located in major cities like Manila, Cebu and Davao. As of March 2019, the list of Japan Accredited Travel Agencies.


  1. Prepare all the above requirements and submit to officer in-charge for assessment.
  2. Officer in charge will verify all submitted information.
  3. Once all information are correct, please prepare visa payment and processing of Php 1,500 (Single Entry)
  4. Officer in charge will provide the collection slip and usually it will take 5-8 working days to process the visa.
  5. Once the visa is available, the officer in-charge will notify you via SMS or call to collect your Japan Visa on their office.


Japan Visa Applciation

Two weeks after the submission of my Japan visa application in the agency, they have sent me a text message and inform to visit the office for the collection of Passport. But the text message did not indicate the results whether it was approved or denied, since it was part of the agency’s policy not to provide the visa results.

So the next day I went to visit the agency for the collection of my passport, during my appointment I bring along the copy of collection slip. Collection  was located on the other room, and with surprise my visa application was APPROVED. I was happy that it was approve and now moving to the next thing, which is the preparation.

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the gees travel

A wife and a mother of three toddlers | Previously working as customer service executive in a logistics supply chain | working at home mom. But in spite of this added responsibilities I still find time to travel and explore together with my family.

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